Those who know me may hurt themselves laughing at this point.
Excuse us, could you just put down that hammer for a minute and listen. You\ufffdre so busy getting things done you rarely take any time out just to relax. In fact, you\ufffdve probably forgotten how to relax. That\ufffds because you\ufffdre so anxious to prove that it\ufffds possible to lead a good and moral life without religion that you have built a strict and forbidding creed all of your own.
You keep a compost heap, cycle to the bottle bank, invest in ethical schemes only and the list of countries you won\ufffdt buy from is longer than the washing line for your baby\ufffds towelling nappies. You admire uncompromising self\ufffdsacrificers like Aung San Suu Kyi and Che Guevara, and would have liked the chance to be incarcerated for your principles like Diderot or Nelson Mandela.
You would never cheat on your partner, drink and drive, accept bribes or touch drugs. You never waste money though you give lots to charity. Living a good life? You\ufffdre a model to us all. But it wouldn\ufffdt hurt you to try a little happiness once in a while. Loosen up.