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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Sorry, I *assumed* you paid to see the movie!
And, I have yet to see it myself. :)

You may feel dumped on, but that, believe it or not, is not my intent. Nor, do I believe for a moment, is it Ashton's intent. That shallow we are not. We do want you to think and learn. Not about things that other people controlled, but things that you controlled. We are suggesting there are lessons in your sad predicament and you need to think about which of your decisions and actions in the past could have made a difference now. Otherwise, you will always have problems.

You can pout, if you like. And, you can think we're uncaring old bastards. But, for me, it would have been easier to have said nothing to you at all.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Gimmie a break.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New No problem, I've had worse
in fact there was a lot I didn't have control over in my last job. Basically the PHBs had complete control, they contradicted themselves, provided vauge instructions, changed their minds at the last minute, and then accused me of placing blame when I asked a simple question.

About the movie, at first I didn't want to go. My friend talked me into it. He said for the sake of my sanity that I should go. That he goes to one every month just for the sake of his sanity. Then he offered to buy me a ticket so I could go with him. I haven't seen a movie in the threatre since. Only on TV, and Movie rentals (we got a video store near us that rents them for $1 each or 2 for $1 for the "Turkey" movies. Kid's movies are free, but costs an extra $1 to turn them in late.).

Mistakes I made and learned from:

Never trust an employer, expecially when they break so many promises to me. When that happens either quit, or look for another job. A big clue I should have followed on was when the firm got investigated for fraud by the FBI and SEC in 1998, and set up one of their partners as a patsy. If they do that to one of their own, imagine what they'd do to an employee?

I got backstabbed and sabotaged. Apparently I wasn't playing office politics and one of the sides went after me to get rid of me. Guess they won? next time I need to learn to socialize more and smooze around. I've been all work and no socializing.

My illness was a factor, but I don't really have control over that. Even if management thought I did. It is not like I can wake up in the morning and say that "I'm not going to be sick today". Since my doctor notes vanished from my HR file, at my next employer I will photocopy each note myself and save a copy at home. Just in case they try to screw me at review time again.

If I need to get training, and the firm is too chickensh*t to pay for it, I should do it on my own. No matter what they promise me, if they keep breaking their promises for training, get the heck out of there.

Next time, try to apply for a supervior or management position. I think this last time I wasn't gutsy enough to apply for one. A coworker did this, but he chickened out of it and quit the project manager position. I wouldn't do such a thing.

If they want me to work like a Codemonkey (for those who don't know, a code monkey produces code quick and sloppy. Does not bother to test it, only gets it out as quick as they can to please managers.) I'll do it, but will look for another job where they want quality over quanity.

"In order to completely solve a problem, you must make sure that the root of the problem is completely removed! If you leave the root, the problem will come back later to get you." - Norman King
New Heres a suggestion
Have you thought about dressing up like you were going to work, heading downtown to where the mass transit picks up all the workers and hold up a big posterboard with
WILL CODE VB FOR CASH along with a list of the languages you know. It would take a lot of intestinal fortitude, but you have that. It also garners attention, you need that to stand out from the fellow out of work IT folks. Do it for a couple of days, take some business cards with you to hand out(print them on your printer) and good luck. In West Palm the business district isnt concentrated like St Louis or I would try it here.
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New Will code Visual BASIC for cash
the worst that could happen is that some ex-coworkers will see me and laugh at me. :)

But it does make a new tagline I can use for ZIWETHEY.

Much better than "Will wrestle you for food" that I saw someone else hold up once.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash." - Norman King
New On second thought
the Police might harass me and ask me for a solicitor's license. I might do a better job if I made a web site about it and submitted it to many different search engines? Then I could work at home as a Freelancer.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New I remember a news article about someone who did this already
It made his city newspapers and TV he got a good job out of it.
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New After the StarWars years
when the defense money dried up, I saw someone in Denver (where Martin Marietta builds all the Titan rockets) dressed like an engineer with a briefcase that had a sign on it that said "Will build spacecraft for food."
The average hunter gatherer works 20 hours a week.
The average farmer works 40 hours a week.
The average programmer works 60 hours a week.
What the hell are we thinking?
Expand Edited by tuberculosis Aug. 21, 2007, 05:42:42 AM EDT
New Waiting impatiently for..
In the panicky days following the selling off of the Microsloth Campus, to pay lawsuit creditors:

Will design crappy software, for junky food

(Hell, honesty gets donations - it's so rare) Guy or gal could become the first Junk Millionaire.. OK maybe the 1001st.
     When it rains it freakin' POURS - (drewk) - (19)
         Keep your options open - (nking) - (17)
             OK Norm, but.. - (Ashton) - (16)
                 Sheesh, Ashton - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                     Re: Sheesh, Ashton - (Ashton)
                 You and Norm had this conversation before - (boxley) - (1)
                     Well I do know someone.. - (Ashton)
                 I'm with you on that thought, Ashton. - (a6l6e6x) - (11)
                     Just because I am unemployed - (nking) - (9)
                         Sorry, I *assumed* you paid to see the movie! - (a6l6e6x) - (8)
                             Gimmie a break. -NT - (cwbrenn)
                             No problem, I've had worse - (nking) - (6)
                                 Heres a suggestion - (boxley) - (5)
                                     Will code Visual BASIC for cash - (nking) - (4)
                                         On second thought - (nking) - (1)
                                             I remember a news article about someone who did this already - (boxley)
                                         After the StarWars years - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                                             Waiting impatiently for.. - (Ashton)
                     If you are Norm's parent - (cwbrenn)
         Re: When it rains it freakin' POURS - (wharris2)

Would you like a wafer-thin dinner mint?
57 ms