[link|http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16133522&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=exclusive--cocaine-kate-name_page.html|This article] makes it sound like the pictures are pretty convincing. Haven't seen the pics myself, most stuff to do with Kate Moss searches gets blocked by our filter here at work, and don't worry, Thane, there's only one file photo of her in the article and she actually looks pretty good.


THE Daily Mirror today reveals shocking pictures of supermodel Kate Moss snorting a fat line of cocaine during a debauched drugs and drink session with junkie lover Pete Doherty.

As the white powder induces a sudden rush to her brain, she rocks back in her seat and laughs hysterically. The coke is kicking in.

Within seconds she leans forward and again sniffs into a tightly rolled-up \ufffd5 note, hoovering up every last grain of the Class A drug.