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New Triple point, nothing to add
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Re: Curious (grin)

(This is a hobby of mine) but your ref to Knuth - is he Danish ??? or of Danish origin ???.

Reason I ask is that one of the great founding kings of modern England is Canute (1st such King is considered to be Alfred the Great, then King Canute, then William of Normandy etc: etc: )

Now the Danes (the modern ones I know personally) told me that in Denmark Canute is pronounced Knuth (ka-noo-thh as distinct from English pron Can-you-te) as he was at the time, King of Scandanavia and England & known as a great King in all these countries (his reign in Scandanavia was followed by Valdamere the great whereas in England Canute was actually succeeded by Edward the Confessor (a son of Alfred the Great)).

Canute was actually related to Bluetooth (the King whoose name is used in the Swedish wireless technology (Ericsson T68 mobile phone).
Danish (Viking) Bluetooth was the founder of the oldest established line of monarchy in Europe (the world?).

All trivial (but interesting to some of us)



New Common name in all of Scandahoovia, not just Danish.
(And probably Germany too, at least in olden times. Part of names like Hardeknut, etc, fer sure.)

Except most of us pronounce it with a hard 't' at the end, not an English 'th' ("lisp-sound" or "thorn").

But, wouldn't you think the Japanese Emperor would at least try to claim older ancestry -- when, exactly, *was* the Sun-Goddess Amaterasu supposed to have walked on Earth, again? :-)
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
     Microsoft caught violating Tunney Act - (marlowe) - (5)
         Time to start a new list; a shorter one perhaps? - (bbronson) - (4)
             Not necessarily... - (jb4) - (3)
                 Triple point, nothing to add -NT - (wharris2) - (2)
                     Re: Curious (grin) - (dmarker2) - (1)
                         Common name in all of Scandahoovia, not just Danish. - (CRConrad)

And then they ran out of time.
46 ms