Jacksonville, FL is actually a pretty cheap place to live, relative to Bay Area.

I would take the FL job, because you might be able to afford an Apt. and then beg for your food and transportation.

With the Bay Area job, $50K a year still has you living in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere. Selling your blood for groceries and begging for a BART pass.

Also, even in the winter, Florida is still cheaper to heat than the Bay Area. In the summer, well, in FL you're gonna sweat anyway, even if you have A/C.

I could probably get you a Java Programmer job in Greenville, TX for $30K a year... Provided you move yourself. You could afford a used double-wide from the Greensheet and still have enough money for groceries and an occasional blockbuster rental (just don't be late with the return). You're still gonna hafta sweat, tho'.