You're thinking too small.
If they can make a reasonable $100 laptop as MIT is planning next year, and put multiple LCD screens in cars, I have little doubt that the day's not too far off where that real estate on the back of the laptop screen will be used for something.
Imagine that the backside of the laptop screen has more than an illuminated Apple or Dell symbol. Or a static engraved image. Imagine a laptop screen that has another laptop screen on the back. Then you'll be able to have your laptop Screenies customized however you want. More than just .jpegs, you'll be able to run screen savers and so forth.
Most likely ads. (Ads and/or porn.) Ads protected by EULAs and DMCA and USA PATRIOT Act restrictions so that you have to have them running to be able to play the latest Fiddy Cent or Marshal Bruce Mathers III opus.
And spray cans of paint will be outlawed so that we'll all have to watch.
(Who's only half kidding.)