A kid can work at Mickey D's and quit if he/she wants to. You can't quit the military, no siree. You are in for your hitch, if you make it out alive.
Big difference. That has been the point all along, Bill!
SF wants the kids to go to either college or job training. What is wrong with that? If they change their minds later, so be it. But at least let these kids get a chance to make something of their lives. It's all about vocation. If someone feels the call to be in the military, by all means, follow that call. Most kids have no idea what they want to do with their lives. And LIVE is the operative word here.
Were we not in a war, this would not be such a hot issue, but, as it stands, the people of San Francisco obviously feel it is predatory to recruit in high schools. I agree. The kids are too young and inexperienced. Training is minimal at best and then they are shipped to combat. Good luck!
Hell, even the experienced soldiers are dying! War is war! Can you blame these people for wanting to preserve a natural resource...their young people?
I just want to leave you with one thought. Why is it that only four of the 535 members of Congress have children in the military; only one, Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., has a child who fought in Iraq?