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New smoothwall


My comcast@home just tanked, went to pure comcast,
which means the static address my firewall has been
using for YEARS went away.

I played around with pump and dhcpd, but I'm too
stupid or lazy to get them to work. I almost
bought one of those little dedicated switch/fw
boxes, but decided to try smoothwall.

10 minutes later, my comcast dhcp worked, I had
a caching DNS, I have snort running, I've got
my own internel dhcp giving out addresses so
I never play run-around-the-network again.

This is GREAT!

Note: You MUST have ide hard drive. And
a bootable IDE cd is helpful.
New It should have worked the same...
...unless you initially set it up with the fixed IP...like so many I know did...

I actually initially set it up dhcp...so it was just a matter of resetting the dns lookup on all the internal machines...since I don't do dhcp internally...

of course..the first round I did with an incorrect first quad..and cursed when it didn't work...typical ID10t error....

How bout it...I could use 4 p2 class machines
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Try bbiagent.... and my current plans,,,
This is really cool too...

[link|http://www.bbiagent.net|BBIAgent] website. Tis coolio... Absolutely coo.

I just started doin it whilst I completely rebuild my box with my public interface in it.

I gonna build a Linux machine myself All from source the "old-way".

Put another drive in an exisitng machine get a skeleton system on it to boot in a different machine, then D/L everything and build all the stuff I want... no predefined distro, no dealing with things someone else wanted to do a certain way,

Nope, Ima gonna follow the LSB as closely as I possibly can. Gonna be a stripped-down/full-featured (a contradiction maybe???) as possible. Probably Sym-Link Hell... Sorry, I just gotta do it again... been a few years since I dun it... WOW, can't actually remember the last machine I did that way.

*scratches head*
*sniff sniff*

Is that wood burning????

Nope that info is gone... Maybe I shouldn't do that...

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!
In 2002, everyone will discover that everyone else is using linux. ** Linux: Good, fast AND cheap. ** Failure is not an option: It comes bundled with Windows. ** "Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know." - Sassan Tat
     smoothwall - (broomberg) - (2)
         It should have worked the same... - (bepatient)
         Try bbiagent.... and my current plans,,, - (folkert)

* "The futexes are also cursed."
* "But they come in a choice of three flavours!"
45 ms