But since I'm a Lumberjack, then I'm Okay.
Methinks thou dost miss the difference between the employment of, manipulation of vague inferences that Uncle Joe will nuke you in your beds? unless - you pass This ___ expensive and futile Anti-anti-missile-missile for our Mega-Death Industries Consortium (And next year -- we go after the anti-anti-anti version: we must be the Be$t at this 100% Security project.)
Employing with premeditation, specific-while-Bogus reasons as one's propaganda campaign: for taking precipitate action, unaided by traditional allies, disdainful of international consequences, unprepared for anything beyond the first hour in the capital city, ignorant of the Tar Baby assuredly always There, Big-as-Life - er, yada to #137 on list.
So.. cute, but insufficient. Disingenuous, even.
(The Domino Theory proved bogus, maybe too - but it was Sincerely held - and it was sooo Cute, to boot. That's enough for Muricans to salivate, we see. Cute - hair or theory.)