I have [link|http://www.rrpro.com|Road Runner Business Class] on
one network
I needed more IP addresses so I changed the subnet mask (see networking for this
inspiring if not exactly gripping saga)
I called Road Runner and told them
The guy clearly didn't know what I was talking about so he passed me up the line
The next guy said he read me loud and clear but needed to
pass me up to the next level who were so busy they'd have to call
me back
When the next guy callled me back, what he had been told by the first 2 levels
did not match my problem
All I wanted him to do was change the subnet mask on the LAN side of the firewall
(this service is managed by Road Runner and is not client accesible)
After burning about 15 of my prime cell phone minutes telling me what he could and could not do, I asked him to back up because it couldn't really be so complicated. I gave a short explanation
He then said "You want me to change the subnet mask on the LAN side
of the firewall?"
I said "Yes"
It took him a few seconds. He told me to pull the plug on it and plug it back in and everything would be fine
He also told me that that wasn't the message he'd gotten from Level 2
As I often say "I had to be here all day anyway"