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New It's the high-school chemestry lab "solution"
Get the answer from the back of the book (in this case, the "book is the New Testament", and work you way backwards, filling in various values for Z (the Universal Fudge Factor) as necessry to get bac to the original problem.

Note that this presupposes that the Practitioner alreadyhas the answer. Believe me, these yay-hoos already have The Answer\ufffd
shrub●bish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT

New Re: It's the high-school chemestry lab "solution"
My lab partner and I (Inst. not HS) came up with the exact At. Wt. for a sample - which was in fact, a Magnesium salt. We didn't employ our memory of data from the Periodic Chart, etc. - we just weighed stuff accurately as we could manage. Sometimes the erors Do cancel-out.

(I recall the incident because the instructor Didn't smirk. I called that, Class..)

But yeah, all science is predicated upon working-backwards from an expected guesstimate. None of us integrates very well; differentiation is sooo much easier. Prolly the same with spawners of new 'theories' to justify What I *Know* is Right cha cha cha. (Doomed species - by the inescapable warz from that approach,) but W.T.F.

     A take on the Neocon-Scopes II trial - (Ashton) - (30)
         When you look at the genesis creation myth - (boxley)
         When a neocon insists... - (jb4)
         Re: A take on the Neocon-Scopes II trial - (tuberculosis)
         Another take - (ubernostrum) - (7)
             :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             Merveilleux ! -NT - (Ashton)
             written by a lawyer not a scientist :-) -NT - (boxley)
             ICLRPD - (drewk)
             I'm glad it doesn't work that way - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                 Fat-fingered multi-post...Ignore.... -NT - (jb4)
                 ICLRPD (new thread) - (jb4)
         "Is it science yet?" - (Another Scott) - (18)
             Nice sourcebook - for school boards not yet seduced. - (Ashton)
             ID advocates have different brain structures or something? - (warmachine) - (16)
                 They have certain base beliefs and build on them. - (Another Scott) - (12)
                     Well, it's *relatively* constant -NT - (drewk)
                     Overstating the advocacy somewhat. - (bepatient) - (10)
                         He didn't say insanity or delusion - (drewk) - (4)
                             Re: He didn't say insanity or delusion - (bepatient) - (3)
                                 "This one guy is insane" vs "mass delusion" - (drewk) - (2)
                                     Not really, at least not what I meant to do - (bepatient) - (1)
                                         I oppose the message, not any of the messengers - (warmachine)
                         Oops, double-clicked -NT - (drewk)
                         My post was an enquiry, not a stroking of ego - (warmachine) - (2)
                             Drew? -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                                 I hereby declare Warmachine an outlier - (drewk)
                         You shouldn't assume. - (Another Scott)
                 Quite possibly - (broomberg)
                 It's the high-school chemestry lab "solution" - (jb4) - (1)
                     Re: It's the high-school chemestry lab "solution" - (Ashton)

When's the last time you heard China?
147 ms