This article exposes the myth of the Palestinian right of return once and for all and believe it or not is from the Jordan Times.
[link||Jordan Times on 'Return']
"An interesting article made its way into the Jordan Times this week. It concerned what the PLO calls the "right of return of the Palestinian refugees." That is, the alleged right of Arabs who were made refugees during the Israeli War of Independence to reclaim those lands they fled in 1948. The Jordan Times article, surprisingly, cites the weaknesses of the Arab claim, based on the 1948 UN resolution 194 consistently mentioned by PLO spokespeople.
The article explains exactly what elements are included in Un Resolution 194: \ufffdthe establishment of a United Nations Conciliation Commission, the placement of Jerusalem under a permanent international regime and last but not least the "resolve" to give the Palestinian refugees the right to return to their "homes" or receive compensation.\ufffd Thus, argues the Times piece, the demand for the \ufffdright of return\ufffd under the UN would, of necessity, include the internationalization of Jerusalem and its environs, even out as far as Bethlehem. Furthermore, the resolution itself was passed in the UN General Assembly and, as such, has no enforcement mechanism, even were it to have been decided that the resolution must be carried out.
Yet the historical fact that the Jordan Times article refers to as "most embarrassing" is that "all the Arab states ...voted against that resolution [194]." Another historical difficulty is that UN Security Council Resolution 242, which is held to be the mandate for land-for-peace Israeli-Arab negotiations since 1967, "said nothing about that resolution [194] when touching about [sic] the Palestinian refugee issue." Resolution 242, the Jordanian piece says, in its call for "achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem," is actually "a far cry from calling for the implementation of Resolution 194."