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New Bryce's website referenced by Slashdot!
OK, it's not really like an actual Slashdot article referenced his site - it was just one poster. The scary thing is that the [link|http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=25433&cid=2780117|post] actually treats Bryce's page as if it were written by an authority. Kinda scary.

Thankfully, another post already shot it down.

Happy New Year.

New OOPS (no pun intended) What a faux pas!
I forgot Bryce is once again invited to participate over here on the new site. Hope I don't start a flame war with him.
New He's generally been behaving, actually.
For instance, he admits to a certain polarisation of view (my words, not his). Also, having been through it all a few times, most everyone is fairly reluctant to argue at length with him anymore.

That first link only noticed his pages were "interesting". I have no argument on that score - they certainly are "interesting". :-)


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     Bryce's website referenced by Slashdot! - (kelzer) - (2)
         OOPS (no pun intended) What a faux pas! - (kelzer) - (1)
             He's generally been behaving, actually. - (static)

Well, as long as you can bottle it up I'm sure that's perfectly healthy.
46 ms