Post #22,961
1/3/02 11:43:23 AM
I see that "however" and raise you a "but"
It doesn't matter which one won the election. No matter if Gore or Bush ended up in the white house, .... the wrong man would be there.
P.S. I find it constantly amusing to hear people talk about the rule of law in reference to the most historically corrupt state in our nation as if law actually meant something to those bozos.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind; Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
Post #22,962
1/3/02 11:44:15 AM
Can I get an Amen on that one!!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #22,969
1/3/02 12:14:36 PM
excuse me??
I find it constantly amusing to hear people talk about the rule of law in reference to the most historically corrupt state in our nation as if law actually meant something to those bozos.
Are we talking about Florida? As historically the most corrupt state in our nation? <shaking head> okayyyyyyy.
Post #22,971
1/3/02 12:20:35 PM
You're excused
I thought the sentance understandable. What part don't you get?
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind; Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
Post #22,994
1/3/02 2:55:24 PM
Thought I understood it...
just find it hard to believe. Sure the Miami area was known for corruption a few years ago...but as a state, the most corrupt in the country? Well, I suppose opinions will differ - both in what constitutes corruption and in which is worse.
I guess I just find it hard to believe that Florida is worse in the country. Usually I associate corruption with inefficiency (which for Government == higher taxes). Florida has no state income tax and a sales tax of 6% (iirc).
I suppose Florida could be considered worse than Chicago, New York, and Mass.
Post #22,998
1/3/02 3:10:29 PM
No backup
At least nothing tangible. I remembered reading a few articles during the recount fiasco that referred to FL as the most historically corrupt state. I think part of it had something to do with all the "land" sold to speculators that turned out to be swamp.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind; Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
Post #23,029
1/3/02 5:05:36 PM
the historically corrupt phrase
came from the sellout of the electoral college for an end to reconstruction. thanx, bill
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
Post #23,099
1/4/02 9:10:11 AM
A coupla other data points:
Well, there's Illinois; just sit back and watch a state piss away a relatively high income to kickbacks, cronyism, patronage, no-bid contracts, etc. etc. etc. etc.... Remember, this IS the state of both Richard Daleys!
But Illinois, for all its cruft, is a piker compared to Louisiana....
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #22,977
1/3/02 1:13:59 PM
Well I guess florida has been a state longer
but Alaska has only been around the territory and as a state for only a little while and it was born in corruption and flourishes as same. Now living in Florida brings to mind a book called "none dare call it treason" the premise of which that so many stupid decisions cannot be a coincidence. It must be a conspiracy. I have met many of the players both big and small. It is not a conspiracy, they really are that venal and stupid. For real corruption in other states, Louisiana comes to mind in the south and good old Michegan and Illinois in the North. Chi town and Detroit, New York and Boston. Any nominees from the left coast? thanx, bill
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
Post #22,979
1/3/02 1:20:20 PM
You missed a big one in the South.
North Carolina. I was born there and I lived there for 5 years as an adult. As far as the courts are concerned, I have never seen such corruption as I saw in one Burke County (and I've been to the Soviet Union!)