I don't normally reply to old threads...
I've gotten a copy of it on DVD (yeah, I know, it would have been cheaper to see it in the cinema). Actually, I quite like it. It's not as true to the original works as some people could have wished, but it seems to work. I was prepared to mourn the loss of the witty dialogue, too, but I can see it would have been shortened in the interest of "making the story move along". Shame. They didn't have to cut quite so much of it.
The biggest crime is the fact that nowhere in this film is the Pan-galactic Gargleblaster mentioned. Not once.
It is, actually. A little while after Ford and Arthur arrive on the Heart of Gold, Zaphod and Ford share a Pan-galactic Gargleblaster. There's even a voice-over describing it.
"Insert crowbar. Apply force."