At least re any remote association with.. the basically 'aircraft engineers' who began with that 3 cyl. 2-stroke engined critter, parlayed it into the Monte Carlos (still ugly but bloody Functional) and to the more conventional looking ('69) 99 models and their derivatives. Swedish engineers Loved 'Us' (as breathing creatures, that is) - and it showed in many engr. qualities.
(I owned 5 Saabs; last a '77 GL == along with Volvo that year: the first production cars with the Lambda-Sond emissions controls as are now universal. That system had never needed a single part replaced, either -- when I gave it away in '01.) It still runs, but now has a bum ignition switch as is non-trivial to fix - part of anti-theft, etc.. Its fate is unclear at this point - being a State away.
My local Expert (aircraft mechanic + Saab) informs me of the creeping.. = now galloping GMism / inaccessibility for repairs and the like. Seems to moi just an echo of embrace, extend, extinguish. Loose a Billy-virus and .. ..
GM engineers? - OK their boss-MBAs natch, some still snot-nosed: love Balance Sheets and corner offices and demographics. (But still can't get the formula right.) I'd take a new Saab as a gift, of course.
Then sell it.