In Alaska Republicans beleive that all money(85% comes frm where no whites ever stepfoot) belongs to the city of Anchorage and can only be doled out to infrastructure building in 50%+ white communities. The infrastructure to be built must be unwanted unneeded but benefiting one of their construction buddies. They will spend every dime that comes in on these projects and make sure not one penny goes to any form of social relief.
The demo's (democrats) beleive that all the money must be spent with their buddies who run non profits of all kinds and spent on social programs that are unneeded, unwanted and heavily resented by the people they are aimed at. Not one dime is to go for infrastructure unless the community is 50%+ white then grudgingly they will spend it on schools and water systems.
Not sure whether to believe me? Name one community that has about one thousand people that is not 50% white that has running water. Exclude the north slope because they had their own money to pay for it.
Name one community of about 1 thousand people >50% white that does not have running water paid for by the State. My bet is that that no one can answer either question.