I had it recently (about 2 years ago).

First off, it is HIGHLY contagious. As ANY of the "goop" will infect another eye. One Eye can have it and the other may not, but likely will spread to the other. I was ent home from work cause of it.

Any family member can contract it easily, just by using or touching something the infected person touched after thier rubbing thier eye. Mind you the "goop" has to some how transfer from one eye to the other (either same person or not).

Why is it called pink eye??? Well When you habitually rub your eyes to get them open, you seem to rupture very fine blood vessels, therefore casue a pink "bulge" on the eye.

Make sure you clean the eyes regularly with clean eyewash (water works but burns sometimes).

It can last for Weeks if not treated properly.

After it goes away, typically your eyes will be very dry for a while, don't use "visine" eye drops, as the eye will tend to stop making it's own tears. Use "natural Tear formula" lubricating eye drops to help till the eyes normalizes.

Good, luck IT SUCKS!