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New "CONSENT of the Governed"
appears to summarize the exact position we find ourselves (all of us) in - this 12/31/2001.

Even here, there appear to be some who are willing to suspend judgment - just a while longer? - re the net effect of the measures taken by Dubya/Ashcroft, though that has zippo to do with the overall National take. I wonder today: have we given Mr. Ashcroft a sufficiently fair chance by Now, before rendering judgments about his character and his intentions? Heard yet enough of his characterization of his opponents as ~ aiders and abetters of The Terrorists\ufffd (dupes ?? again!) to be pretty sure what he stands for (and against) ??

It costs 34\ufffd (plus envelope) to:

plagiarize the most pithy comments noted anywhere, assemble these with some original thought and convey one's sentiments (and high dudgeon where applicable) to the various caretakers of the US Constitution. e-mails? maybe ... free of Anthrax hype but.. doesn't MEGO (my eyes glaze..) occur after the first 50?

Through the magic of COPY, one effort may serve many recipients, and I take it as a given that a well written screed IS apt to get funneled to the top -- and may even provide the tongue-tied recipient some fodder for eventual rebuttals to the present trends: that is, if enough.. indications ARE received, on a regular basis, from THE GOVERNED.

Thanks for the timely reminder. If THIS much can be lost within merely days of a cataclysm, how much can be done over the next 3.03 YEARS? (That is, if all the sheep merely graze, shop and occasionally grumble among peers)

Terrorist Dupe for the Impeachment of John Ashcroft in 2002
Make It So.
2002: can it suck more than 2001?
New Inauguration is January 20th, I get > 3.03 years. :(
Sorry about that. Unless, of course, you have a revolution in mind. :) (or are living in the future).

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
     Independent newspapers - (bconnors) - (7)
         I agree, and here's what I'm doing about it - (mhuber)
         "CONSENT of the Governed" - (Ashton) - (1)
             Inauguration is January 20th, I get > 3.03 years. :( - (a6l6e6x)
         Re: USA-PATRIOT Act - (dmarker2) - (2)
             Sorry, I don't buy it. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                 Re: Sorry, I don't buy it. - Nup - the timing was my issue - (dmarker2)
         Re: A connundrum - public trials - (dmarker2)

The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejuidice.
32 ms