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New It'll cost a $2-3K to know for sure but prepaid is popular
Two numbers to show this:
June 2001 Telefonica:
67% (10,000,000) pre-paid
33% (5,000,000) contract

March 2000 Vodafone 58% prepaid

In the US, pre-paid is extremely small -- for example, I don't know anyone with pre-paid and only recently have the companies started advertising it (or offering decent deals, which still aren't as good as pre-paid in Europe).

To get the better numbers, you'll have to be better at googling than me, or pay a lot of money for a market report.

I don't doubt the Euro cell companies are trying to get more people on contract. I also agree with Odlyzko's "Content is NOT king".

I'd also be curious to know more about SMS usage. I suspect it may be most common with pre-paid users -- and by the youth (<25 year old) market. For example, none of people in this discussion seemed really interested in SMS. I didn't see any hard numbers on SMS usage, however.

And, CDMA usage is a lot more widespread than I realized -- for example, in Australia, the Philippines, and other Asian countries, not just Korea. It's also the fastest growing cell technology.

So, as always, the Reg is an interesting read but definitely not the final word.

New I use SMS
Not obsessively, but for a message that's not time-critical and basically says something like "see you in the pub at 5", SMS is handy - especially when people don't have time or freedom to pick up the phone. You can read a text message much faster than listening to me mumbling to an answering service.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New SMS rocks my little world
SMS usage in Aus has grown at an explosive rate since inter-carrier SMS was switched on. (Like, how dumb was it to not be able to send SMS from one company to another. Duh.)

It's so popular, Telstra, the no-we're-not-acting-like-a-Monopoly, has jacked up the price to 25c per message, because of 'heavy usage' or somesuch bollocks.
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
New But, but...
Isn't 25 cents about 0.1p or something?


Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Shift that decimal to the left a bit :)
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
New $AUS : The currency that makes Lira look strong :-)

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Orlowski (Reg) phil. essay on why.. US comm. is er - (Ashton) - (14)
         He has some good points, but misses a lot - (tonytib) - (13)
             "Prepaid plans dominant in Europe" - fact or speculation? - (CRConrad) - (12)
                 Concur - (pwhysall) - (3)
                     Now there's some interesting observations. - (static)
                     Sure it's not... - (imric) - (1)
                         Can you say... - (pwhysall)
                 It'll cost a $2-3K to know for sure but prepaid is popular - (tonytib) - (5)
                     I use SMS - (pwhysall) - (4)
                         SMS rocks my little world - (Meerkat) - (3)
                             But, but... - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                 Shift that decimal to the left a bit :) -NT - (Meerkat) - (1)
                                     $AUS : The currency that makes Lira look strong :-) -NT - (pwhysall)
                 Prepaid vs. monthly - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                     Weird, totally weird. Don't work that way here. -NT - (CRConrad)

We fly with a sort of irrational confidence.
47 ms