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New Happy New Year! 2002
I hope that 2002 is a lot better than 2001 was. This is posted a bit early because in some parts of the world it becomes the new year before the old USA gets it. Plus I wanted to post it in advance, so I'd be the first and that everyone can see it.

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New Happy New Year
Yeah - this year sucked. Not only with 9/11; this whole year was nasty. Christmas was bittersweet for me - I miss my ex-fiance's kids badly. This is the first year since '97 I haven't seen them. I did a lot of non-digital work to stay afloat this year, and though it barely kept a roof over my head, I found quite a bit of satisfaction working with 'concrete' (real) things - and made a few friends I would never have otherwise met.

Professionally, the year ended (for me) on an up note, so take heart at that, Norm. Things WILL get better.

Anyway, Happy New Year!

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New Re: Happy New Year
Hardest year I've been through yet.

My country, family, career, and self have all taken hard hits.

But while the cliche about "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger" is crap most of the time, most of the damage I've survived this year has been of the kind that clears ground for new growth. In other words, "Thank You, God, for the much needed kicks. You can stop now."
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Look at it this way
the way 2001 went for us, 2002 has to be better, right? Unless it has more kicks than 2001 had? Even with half as many kicks, it would still be better?

Oh by the way, that isn't God kicking you, that's the Devil. Read the book of Job again. :)

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New What doesn't kill us
...makes us stranger.

That was my mis-reading of an inspirational message spraypainted onto Old San Marcos Road in Santa Barbara, 1988 or so, for the crew team's annual training run up it. The road was one of my standard riding routes. Frankly, I prefer my take on the saying.

2001. Thank $DIETY it's over.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New what doesnt kill me REALLY pisses me off :)
This year must be better if not at the very least different. Hope all is well with everyone while I wait for the ball to drop and fire off this 12 inch motar tube filled with 10 shells that all go at once called arial assault.
light fuse then haul ass.
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New Uhh.. take it outside first, Box.._OK?___________________:-\ufffd
New Wishing you all a better 2002 than 2001 - may it be HAPPY!
New Happy New Year!!!! Glad the old one is over.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Re: Happy New Year! 2002
And a happy one to you too.

Although my hangover is somewhat severe (I managed to "disappear" about a half-dozen 500ml cans of Kronenbourg and a bottle of Bowmore whisky last night, so am somewhat delicate :-)) I wish you ALL a very happy and prosperous 2002. Yes, that DOES include you, Bryce :-)

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Happy New Year to all, from me as well!

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
     Happy New Year! 2002 - (nking) - (10)
         Happy New Year - (imric) - (5)
             Re: Happy New Year - (mhuber) - (4)
                 Look at it this way - (nking)
                 What doesn't kill us - (kmself) - (2)
                     what doesnt kill me REALLY pisses me off :) - (boxley) - (1)
                         Uhh.. take it outside first, Box.._OK?___________________:-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton)
         Wishing you all a better 2002 than 2001 - may it be HAPPY! -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
             Happy New Year!!!! Glad the old one is over. -NT - (bepatient)
         Re: Happy New Year! 2002 - (pwhysall)
         Happy New Year to all, from me as well! -NT - (a6l6e6x)

The haddock hits me with a sucker punch. I catch him with a left hook. He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck... flat as a mackerel. Kelpless.
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