Counting overvotes where the write-in name matches the punch-out name. Nothing subjective (for any save definition of that term) in determining intent (which is what Florida law calls for) there.
But what it comes down to isn't the exact counting method. That's a red herring that the Bush people put out when it became clear that only a sloppy first count would win Florida. It never came down to the details of a recount - NO RECOUNT WAS EVER COMPLETED, which is a clear violation of FLorida law.
All the noise about hanging chads and subjective counting methods and corrupted counters was just noise, because no recount, using any standard at all, good or bad, was ever completed.
If God himself declared the intent of each voter, it wouldn't have mattered. What mattered was geting enough injunctions to delay the recounts.
The technology wasn't the problem, the politics and lawyering (not even laws) of the counting were. It doesn't matter how good the tech is, there will be counts that are within the margin of error, and require recounting. But in Florida, it apparently is possible (despite laws to the contrary) for the winner of the initial count, if the right authorities are in his pocket, to prevent that recount.