'Certification' re security (the first they'd actually heard of that word..?) Or was that V3.50?
-- providing it was in a locked room with no floppy; nothing connected to it. ie Ed Curry redux. And they Imported, did they not? == Hired-away some mega-Honcho (was he ex-DEC?) to do it all: for the little drop-out preppie guys to attribute to M$ Innovation.
And: none of the above has occurred re Govmint 'Security' tests since?
(Yet all the Govmint folks buy the add-ons at $Bs - I'm pretty sure that part is true.)
(And.. I Loved the Ring-0 dissertations, first time around - why, even moi could grok what a lazy 'driver'-makin jockey might do.. right there in the hen house.)
What a joke, them 'Standards'. And 'Security Proofs' cha cha cha