have learned a lot from my various ones (not Enough, of course.)
May the Small God of Fools Errands dip her leathery wings over this venture, smirk a bit and (remind them to gas up the generator *after* delivery, not in the car - and bring the HD extension cords + duct tape.)
Thanks Ashton. :)
My brother stayed up half the night assembling the heavy duty cord they will need for the generator. He's an electronics expert, among other things, he works for Saint Louis Music.He's made me some special cords before, and they are pretty good.
There is supposed to be gas available in Cleveland, even while nothing else much is, but I did tell my brother to remind them about gas. I didn't know anything about Duct tape, but hopefully they will. I'm not inclined to call them today. What would they need the duct tape for? I could tell my brother.
I'm just glad I'm not deeply involved in this one, I would be scared to death to go anywhere near that disaster zone. And for the first time in days, I've had a quiet, peaceful afternoon with only one call from my mother and no other family members bugging me.
They're too busy to bother with me today, and that's fine! ;)