MS and Intel back HD DVD.
Intel and Microsoft have formally allied themselves with Toshiba's HD DVD next-generation optical disc format. Both will become members of the HD DVD Promotion Group, the pair said yesterday.
Both firms' support for the format centres on its greater suitability for PCs than HD DVD's rival, the Sony-backed Blu-ray Disc (BD) represents.
Interestingly, they do refer to BD, claiming it has a lower capacity than HD DVD: 30GB for a dual-layer HD DVD to 25GB for a BD. Neither mention that's the single-layer BD capacity, or that the dual-layer version offers 50GB of storage. Many of the HD DVD format's other strengths also apply to BD.
Lying weasels! Avoid bying their products, if you can.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell