The saddest shit is that the secular culture they bitch about is actually driven by big companies who foment outrage to get attention and sell stuff. They don't realize it, but the people they elect to fight their battles are actually anti-people and pro-business which means the poor schmucks are actually voting FOR the commercial culture when they vote neocon even though the cons are running on a platform of xian values.
I've stopped caring about this stuff. If they get ID into the schools, you can bet those schools will only be for the poor people. The reasonably well off will send their kids to schools with better science programs. Its actually self service class warfare. Go figure.
I don't know, Todd.
My take is that big companies don't drive secular culture - they follow it. Big companies are incredibly conservative - in the sense that they don't change, they don't take risks, they keep doing what they were doing that seemed to work.
Pickup trucks sold pretty well this year? Next year we'll make even more pickup trucks! More powerful engines sold pretty well this year? We'll make even bigger engines!
Small MP3 players sold pretty well this year? Next year we'll sell smaller MP3 players!
Cell phones with color screens and cameras sold pretty well this year? Next year we'll sell cell phones with cameras and color screens and MP3 players!
Movies about the occult and promiscuous teens did pretty well this year? Next year we'll make movies about promiscuous teens and rappers and the occult and MP3 players!
Apple's music store is doing very well? We'll start a music store!
Grade school kids liked dressing up like gangsta rappers and TV stars this year. Next year we'll sell them spinners for their bicycle wheels, bling, and home botox kits!
And so forth. :-(
Big companies don't lead the culture, IMO. They are too slow in developing new products and services to do anything more than follow. Even Sony has fallen into a conservative rut.
The press doesn't report on the normal, run-of-the-mill events in the world, they report on the outliers, the extreme, the different. Since it's easy for stories in out-of-the-way places to be rebroadcast now, weird stories like this one get more attention than they probably deserve.
All that said, I do think that it's a disconcerting event that people in another school district are trying to push this ID crap again. I also think that there's too much crap on television that helps to reinforce the view held by many that the US is morally corrupt and losing its way and that "traditional values" need to be reinforced in the schools and in government.
I don't think that the Supreme Court will let this stand, if it reaches that far. Let's keep an eye on 'em, but don't overestimate their power. They're not close to winning this argument - yet.
As for the body politic waking up, well it would be nice. The trouble is, the opposition has to have a reasonably strong candidate. In too many cases, the incumbent is not effectively challenged. Until that happens, little will change.