Check California, Illinois, and New York
It's not just Florida, where the folks got embarrassed into counting most of the absentee and military ballots. If we're going to talk about overall pluralities, we need to check it all, don't we?
The only thing different about Florida was that it happened, by luck, to be the last one... an extremely close point in an extremely close election. Texas went overwhelmingly for Bush, but I'd be willing to bet that a complete and accurate tally would show more Gore votes than were counted, without changing the result.
We do not have the resources, at this date, to recount the whole country. Our government is a Republic; it's supposed to be a representative Republic, but the Constitution doesn't guarantee that -- only a "republican form of Government." We have a President; that President was chosen by a republican process, and the fact that it went to the courts is irrelevant.
You want to criticize GWB, go right ahead; there's some things I don't like, though I'm an overall supporter. You want to bitch about policies, actions, or anything along that line, and I'll either agree or argue according to which of my buttons you push.
But constantly, continually, repetitively going back to that well is not just fruitless, it's pointless. Among other things, it diverts your energy from what you ought to be doing, which is campaigning for your chosen folks and better electoral processes. And by this time, the point of the continued whining is clear: it has nothing to do with whether the process worked or not, it's simply a non-negotiable demand that Gore won, and no other result will be accepted -- which makes the demander an ideologue with a clear agenda, and therefore as ignorable as a street-corner bum.
What is your local polity doing to ensure a better result next time? Do you know? If not, why not? What suggestions do you have for improving the system? Have you been working in that direction? Did you make suggestions to anyone with some semblance of power to implement them? Did you contribute to people making suggestions you like?
Anything else is opera training for pigs.