(which assumes we might not ever get over techno for its own sake ??)

I see:

Clones bred with tabla rasa for purposes of temporarily hosting - holographic-like personalities transmitted from afar. You visit by sending a er (local host ;-) to an address; in-corporate personality and.. it seems to be You. (This takes care of visits which are umm, other than platonic in nature).

Spin-offs: You Can! try that Grand Canyon leap on a Vincent, say - if willing to pay the deposit on the local host not returned OR (if you should make it - though I really wouldn't want to land umm astride.. aforementioned vehicle!) -- why then you could have your 15 minutes of fame in this sterile, work-less techno-society of The (Momentarily) Famous!

This-all can be a plausible solution (if idiotic - but then, so much else is too..) to energy usage per capita, when everyone's warehoused in cells in 1000-story Urbmons (thanks Mr. Silverberg).

(OK OK ... but the movie'd sell, be better than car-crashes, guns and heaped dead burned bodies shown in livid color) And some asshole'd actually like 'living' that way and start funding it.

\ufffd 2001 Ashton Human Progress Seminars Ltd.
'Progress' is always in the eye of the entrepreneur, not the folks what gots to live with it