was at a radio station that was rather new. I was applying for an internship. The exec. secretary had been speaking with me for nearly a week, and was very impressed with my talents and skills.
I was escorted into the Big Cheese's office. He was one of those George Hamilton groupies. Kinda reminds me now of Alec Baldwin in "Glengarry Glen Ross". Fat and tan. Anyhoo, the guy didn't even to bother asking me what I could do for the company. He asked me what kind of car I drove and if I was married. Once he found out I was a)married and b)drove a 1982 Malibu Classic, the interview was over.
I have hated that radio station ever since.
Also, Boss from Hell story: I miscarried my first pregnancy while working as a traffic reporter. 3 days before my last day, my co-worker and his pilot crashed during the evening rush hour. I was the first person to the hospital and saw them come in. A week later, I lost the baby. I was only 8 weeks. I also was only about 20 pounds overweight at the time. When I went to get my last paycheck, Mr. Asswipe says: "Did your weight have anything to do with your miscarriage?" After trying to regain my composure I told him, "Well, my attorney says it was workplace stress, but I can't talk about that." Then I turned and walked out forever. I wish I had slapped him in the face.
Am glad to say that company went down like a cheap whore. Praise Buddha!
I like being my own boss.
Finally have peace of mind,