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New Try this ...
[link|http://windows2000.about.com/library/tips/bltip436.htm|Disable Audio CD Autoplay]

Though when I found the final dialog, my 'Set Default' button was disabled. Mabye you can just remove the entry.

Chris Altmann
New Mine was disabled too.
So, yes, I did just remove the entry. ;-)

-scott anderson
     Turning off the @#%@%@ CD autoplay in Windows 2K - (admin) - (13)
         Here's a link to the instructions - (drewk) - (4)
             *snicker* - (admin) - (3)
                 Well, I guess that means VMWare works pretty good - (drewk) - (1)
                     Works pretty well too... ;-) - (admin)
                 You could disconnect the CD-ROM from VMWare. - (static)
         Look here - (Silverlock) - (5)
             Gee, that's so user friendly and intuitive -NT - (drewk)
             Thankee... - (admin) - (3)
                 Bah, it doesn't work. - (admin) - (2)
                     Try this ... - (altmann) - (1)
                         Mine was disabled too. - (admin)
         Windows Annoyances - (kmself) - (1)
             Link in your sig is busted -NT - (drewk)

We fly with a sort of irrational confidence.
33 ms