\n<style>\ntable.example { font-family: monospace; \n font-size : 12pt; \n }\ntable.example td { width: 40em;\n vertical-align: top;\n }\n</style>\n\n<table class="example">\n <tr>\n <th>lyric</th>\n <th>author</th>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>You got good manipulators,<br>\n got your store of dupes,<br>\n you got the idiot clamor and the lobby groups<br>\n you like to play on fear, but people see through you\n </td>\n <td>Bruce Cockburn</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n
Hey, it's just what I happened to be listening to at the moment... :-)
Just put the html stuff in a file and load it in your favourite browser. I'd demonstrate the result here, but style and class attributes aren't allowed. :-(