What I want to do is have a simple text file (.html) that displays data in two columns, like so:
[ tried showing the layout here, but Zope stripped out the blank characters between the left group of Xs and the right group of Ns in my sample display]
The left column will always start in position 1, and I want the right column to always start in the 40th byte position (think Courier font on an IBM Selectric typewriter). I've tried using the html tab function, but it didn't work the way I had hoped. I then tried using the {pre} and {/pre} tags, but it altered the font, shrunk the text and put several blank lines between the lines of text. (I had to replace the greater than/less than characters with braces so the word "and" didn't come out on it's own line.) Maybe these tags are right but I need to add more formatting commands?
Been online for a few hours today, trying to find sites that can show me how to do this, but no luck yet. Anybody know how I can do this?