If that isn't the 'reason' today ... wait a few days.
Heard a lengthy NPR broadcast this AM re parallels with 9/11 and the present toxic soup in South. Every part of the inundated houses is a Petri dish of nastiness from e-coli in flooded sewers to the very many Oil-related industries and their chemicals (and the ~500K gallon?) collapsed oil storage in just one locale -- as all roiled together throughout the city.
Note how the toxic cloud around the Twin Towers entered only momentarily into press and public consciousness; recall the initial CDC lies about the hazards (initially and subsequently) -- then the lies re following-up on "long term effects" on the volunteers and the many other hi- and low- wage workers exposed for months. Nothing Like 'followup' has occurred or is likely. Without sustained noise: ditto re N.O.
The medical effects are only just surfacing. With our collective attention span -- these present hold-outs, cops et al and National Guard (per broadcast: few with Hepatitis A or B vacs; few with even repirators and ~none with access to regular showers or decontamination) -- all are canddidates for various expectable disabilities. And then long-term carcinogenic roulette.
I will look periodically for any of these facets to appear on newsfotainment.