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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Not me,but nuttin'? Yes,much of the time it seems you are...
New {snip!}

     Australia contemplated again - (rcareaga) - (27)
         Static's your man. Maybe Doug Marker too; he's been away. -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
             IIRC, Doug is in HK now -NT - (tonytib) - (1)
                 he went back after all the trouble of moving out? -NT - (boxley)
         Im sure Meerkat is available as tour guide as well - (boxley)
         I live in Sydney. - (static)
         Yep, as others have said, MeToo(tm). Come on down! - (Meerkat)
         It's looking about 50-50 - (rcareaga) - (15)
             I know why Fiji is last - (boxley) - (12)
                 bass-ackward - (rcareaga) - (11)
                     now not to be CRC or nuttin but - (boxley) - (10)
                         There's a comma missing, you see. - (static) - (7)
                             Nope, the comma makes not one whit of difference. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                 You're right, and you're wrong - (jb4)
                                 Look at the evidence. - (static) - (1)
                                     If English is your first language... - (pwhysall)
                             Hmmm - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 I was imprecise. - (rcareaga) - (1)
                                     any direction, have a wonderful trip -NT - (boxley)
                         Not me,but nuttin'? Yes,much of the time it seems you are... -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                             {snip!} -NT - (Ashton)
             Regardless of whether you bring punctuation or not, - (Meerkat)
             Sounds like a great trip. Make it so! - (a6l6e6x)
         Today's odds: 80:20 - (rcareaga) - (4)
             The Grace is lovely - (Meerkat) - (3)
                 Right-o - (rcareaga) - (2)
                     you forgot the mate, start language prep early :-) - (boxley) - (1)
                         No need to mate, shaking hands will suffice :) - (Meerkat)

Yeah, let's watch the lamp. It's more fun and less predictable.
68 ms