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New Norm, all one needs is CP/M if..
You want to write all the works of Shakespeare or - your own. All the rest is about toys, bizness invented-tasks to keep people off the streets - but tethered solidly - and.. toys.

My Otrona with WordStar can write anything worth actually reading - as fast as any droid can type - AND without removing hands from Home key.. to accomplish all prestidigitations, mail merges or other fanciness. Fuck the mouse silliness. (OK I admit: graphics is a hearse of another pallor -- and we Needs them image thingies.. for all that Infotainment. I guess. So they say.)

Yeah I know Progress is our most important Product ie marketing.. marketing.. marketing. And folks gotta eat, so -- anyway, Now do you see why BeOS (and prolly a handful of others stillborn) ain't never gonna be more than a hobbyist dream? In IT as *everywhere* ya gotta kill off the good stuff reeel fast, so's to keep sellin them

Bug-replacements - forever. (Once ya get lock-in, that is. And they got it)

Any more questions? I got some work to do on the Otrona...

Hey don't tell me ya can't get a tcp stack into CP/M, esp. CP/M II.. with Lots o extra memory)
New CP/M forever!
Too bad it doesn't play the latest Windoze Games on it? :(

But you can, maybe, find a copy of Wordstar 2.0 to run on it from some CP/M abandonware site? ;)

"All we are saying, is give CP/M a chance!"

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New Well, if you're willing to sacrifice a bit
you can get a TCP/IP stack, dialer, PPP client, and a pretty nice browser for DOS: [link|http://www.arachne.cz/|http://www.arachne.cz/]

It works fine on DR-DOS 7.03, and it's remarkable how it sings on a 133MHz PII :-) Too bad the designer is, um, how shall I put it -- *creative* where it comes to the graphics. And of course there's the bit about the dancing bear.

I stay with Opera, but if yer really anxious to avoid contributing to B&B, and don't want to start over learning how to do config files, it'll do the job. I ran a slightly earlier version for three months.
     So what is up wth Be anyway? - (nking) - (6)
         He's dead Jim. - (altmann) - (5)
             The Amiga syndrome? - (nking) - (4)
                 Norm, all one needs is CP/M if.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                     CP/M forever! - (nking)
                     Well, if you're willing to sacrifice a bit - (Ric Locke)
                 Sony eVilla? - (altmann)

Mmmm... Flavored Beer.
35 ms