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New He's dead Jim.
Palm isn't going to support it. Word is they will use its technology, and more importantly, its developers to create their new multimedia-oriented PDA OS. That's assuming they survive the whole Xerox patent on unistroke pen input lawsuit thing.

The word on open sourcing it is that there is too much licensed code to do it, and its too much work to sort out what could be released if they even wanted to.

It is a shame. BeOS is fast and has a nice clean interface. Mac finder folders crossed with Windows style taskbar. Unix shell command line.

Lack of driver support is going to kill it eventually, even for the existing users.
Chris Altmann
New The Amiga syndrome?
Sort of like the Amiga sydrome, they sold the OS and hardware to another company and Commodore went out of business. Several companies later they are trying to write AmigaOS 4.0 for a PowerPC based Amiga platform. I wonder how much of the old AmigaDOS code is left in AmigaOS?

At least we may see improvement on PalmOS for multimedia features. Which means it can do combat with Windows CE or whatever Microsoft will be calling it.

Does this mean than Sony will stop making BeIA based devices?

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New Norm, all one needs is CP/M if..
You want to write all the works of Shakespeare or - your own. All the rest is about toys, bizness invented-tasks to keep people off the streets - but tethered solidly - and.. toys.

My Otrona with WordStar can write anything worth actually reading - as fast as any droid can type - AND without removing hands from Home key.. to accomplish all prestidigitations, mail merges or other fanciness. Fuck the mouse silliness. (OK I admit: graphics is a hearse of another pallor -- and we Needs them image thingies.. for all that Infotainment. I guess. So they say.)

Yeah I know Progress is our most important Product ie marketing.. marketing.. marketing. And folks gotta eat, so -- anyway, Now do you see why BeOS (and prolly a handful of others stillborn) ain't never gonna be more than a hobbyist dream? In IT as *everywhere* ya gotta kill off the good stuff reeel fast, so's to keep sellin them

Bug-replacements - forever. (Once ya get lock-in, that is. And they got it)

Any more questions? I got some work to do on the Otrona...

Hey don't tell me ya can't get a tcp stack into CP/M, esp. CP/M II.. with Lots o extra memory)
New CP/M forever!
Too bad it doesn't play the latest Windoze Games on it? :(

But you can, maybe, find a copy of Wordstar 2.0 to run on it from some CP/M abandonware site? ;)

"All we are saying, is give CP/M a chance!"

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New Well, if you're willing to sacrifice a bit
you can get a TCP/IP stack, dialer, PPP client, and a pretty nice browser for DOS: [link|http://www.arachne.cz/|http://www.arachne.cz/]

It works fine on DR-DOS 7.03, and it's remarkable how it sings on a 133MHz PII :-) Too bad the designer is, um, how shall I put it -- *creative* where it comes to the graphics. And of course there's the bit about the dancing bear.

I stay with Opera, but if yer really anxious to avoid contributing to B&B, and don't want to start over learning how to do config files, it'll do the job. I ran a slightly earlier version for three months.
New Sony eVilla?
If you are talking about that eVilla thing, they apparently bought them all back from those who actually paid for one with profuse apologies for the inconvenience.
Chris Altmann
     So what is up wth Be anyway? - (nking) - (6)
         He's dead Jim. - (altmann) - (5)
             The Amiga syndrome? - (nking) - (4)
                 Norm, all one needs is CP/M if.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                     CP/M forever! - (nking)
                     Well, if you're willing to sacrifice a bit - (Ric Locke)
                 Sony eVilla? - (altmann)

Everyone is terrible and the world is burning.
37 ms