Isn't that what the New Right is supposed to be composed of? I mean, couldn't Heather Soccer Mom fit a few of the less fortunate in her HumVee to escape? I think the reason Dub's getting a little more heat this time is that this is the second time that his administration failed to heed warnings in August (8/01 and 8/05) and lied about receiving any warnings. That's wearing a little thin, even with most Muricans.
What we have here is a symptom of our general lack of a sense of community. I know you'll (Arkadiy) read that as "code", but I genuinely believe it. Look at the disparity of wealth. The poor, for whatever reasons, were left to fend for themselves; the wealthy got out. Is it any wonder that they're angry? But here even the under class doesn't have a united sense of identity. If it did, most of South Central LA, South Chicago, huge sections of Detroit and New York would be on fire right now. I'm amazed more major urban areas aren't glowing. If there was a Left in this country and if it had a leader with the charisma of a Che, youthful Fidel, Lenin, Trotsky or even Bukharin, there'd be a revolution beginning in New Orleans. But the fruits of capitalism (especially technology) have divided us. There's no fixing it now.