If I had been moved to NO, there is NO FRIGGIN' WAY that I would have stayed. Had such a thing happened in NJ while I was in dire straits, I might have been trapped just as many in NO were (except that I'm sure that I could have hitched a ride with my friends - not everybody has the friends I do though); I would have been completely pissed off, I assure you.
What happened there was that the 'haves' were given a plan to evacuate the poor were left to fend for themselves. The busses, even if they were used as planned, only shifted the poor around the doomed city. The poor, having been left on their own, having been left to live or die at the whim of a storm, took what they wanted in addition to what they needed, true. I sympathize (even if I probably would not have been among the looters) with them. It must have seemed like the one shot they were ever going to have to get nice things. The rationalization that the ones that owned the looted goods had left them there to die anyway probably made it easier, too. Remember, just because you are economically disadvantaged does NOT make you stupid. That's a Republican myth.
As to the wrong people being left behind - well, you are right there - though I suspect for the wrong reason. The people that COULD have shifted for themselves should have been the last priority in an evacuation plan. The poor should have been the first priority. Those with the power (read: wealth) to find thier way out of the city should have been left to do so.
"The majority that made things worse for themselves by being who they are."
Once again, the Republican (and now Neocon) tactic of demonizing the poor. Being wealthy does not make you better IN ANY WAY than the poor. In fact, the opposite may be true; the isolation of the wealthy from the troubles of the world can make them numb, insensitive, it enable them to hold downright evil philosophies.
Do you REALLY believe that if you took a relatively pampered multimillionaire away from toilets, food, and water, baked him in sweltering heat, surrounded him with death and destruction, and he knew that he had been left behind while others had escaped as part of a plan he'd be less likely to go apeshit and wreck stuff? I don't.