Who's in Command. Who's Controlling the situation. And how those things are Communicated. Any response, be it military or disaster relies on C3. No doubt that there was a total breakdown in all three areas.
When we are talking politics, perception is king. Cameras on site in downtown NO, meant that the rest of the country was going to perceive the disaster response in terms of what was happening there. Over three days into the tragedy, and there was no presence there of disaster relief. What'd they expect the perception to be of the adequacy of response?
And NYC is in no way comparable. Perhaps if every person in NYC who had a car and could drive was evacuated prior to the event. And perhaps if the entire island had been flooded and every bridge had become impassable, trapping the remainder in the city. And if perhaps the remainder of NY state had been beaten the shit out of by 100mph winds and all the surrounding communities had been left without a way to help. And perhaps if there were no means of Rudy communicating with the city at large. Then perhaps they'd be comparable situations.
Yes, there's a lack of leadership, both in the small groups on the ground. At the state and local level. And at the Federal level. Ineptitude abounds. But in my way of thinking, the harshness of conditions as one gets closer to the events in question, are a bit more understandable.
Assigning blame to local officials ain't gonna play out particularly well, as it has the appearance of blaming the victims. Perhaps the local officials have been negligent of their responsibilities. Or perhaps events simply overwhelmed any methodical attempt to gain control of the situation, not being able to see the forest for the trees.