You call this a browser?

First time launching takes FOREVER. (well at least so long that I thought the fucking thing hung on me)

No support for Java 1.1.8 (some of us don't have eCS or MCP, thank you) and it still requires WarpIn. (*puke* again)

Default fonts WAY too big.

Stupid fucking side toolbar. ( that I hate in Warpzilla/Mozilla as well)

Opening up the preferences window more than twice results in not being able to configure anything because any category you click on doesn't display the choices for that item. Also, clicking on any of the menu items on the main window stopped producing drop down menus as well.

Crashed on me opening it the second time.

Removed from my system post haste and will probably remove WarpIn as well. In fact, set a record for the least amount of time I've ever had an OS/2 program installed on my system.

No thanks. It's all yours.