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New Question...has there been an OS/2 virus/worm/anything???
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New OS/2? What about Plan9?
OS/2 does have antivirus software for it, but I think there are more DOS/Windows viruses than there are OS/2 viruses.

Does Plan9 have any viruses, anyone even bother? ;) Could Plan9 be Crackproof because crackers don't want to learn it or bother to write a script to break it?

"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New Well, you can find out for yourself at
[link|http://www.vitanuova.com/plan9/main.html|Vita Nuova]

I'd love to have time play with their stuff, but it doesn't (yet) match what I do at work or the side stuff I'm working on (which is DSP or microcontroller based).

New I like their mascot
"It is just a bunny rabbit.... aaarrrgghhh!"

"I told ya, it'll bite yer head off!"


"Before Christmas it is 'Ho ho ho', after Christmas it is 'Owe owe owe'" - Santa Norm
New I heard there were one or two . .
. . but they never spread in the wild. The anti-viruses for OS/2 pretty much look for DOS / Windows 3.1 viruses, since OS/2 can run such programs, but they don't have any chance of infecting OS/2 itself, and are denied access to floppy boot sectors, but might be able to get at the hard disk boot sector and can infect or delete other files and programs.
     XP: "Most secure OS ever". Yeah, right. - (Silverlock) - (5)
         Question...has there been an OS/2 virus/worm/anything??? -NT - (bepatient) - (4)
             OS/2? What about Plan9? - (nking) - (2)
                 Well, you can find out for yourself at - (tonytib) - (1)
                     I like their mascot - (nking)
             I heard there were one or two . . - (Andrew Grygus)

This sort of marketing only works with clothes, oddly enough.
69 ms