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New Yes.
Thanks - provocative links! The man has Ashcroft's eyes.. notice?

As to the speculations on motive, obviously we'll never learn an iota about actual details. Weiss characterized Hanssen as 'compartmentalized'; describes a bizarre sexual display, to impress a boyhood friend (!)

Briefly, H. setup a hidden spy-quality TV-cam in his bedroom, would invite his friend by for days at a time (working on a thesis, supposedly). Feed connected to large screen TV downstairs. Would put on a display with his (H's) wife almost nightly..

H. abruptly stopped sending info ~ '91 - then attempted to resume in 2000. Can't recall what spooked him. Anyone interested in this case, prolly should buy Weiss's book. It won't solve the motive, but pretty well limns the character.

I forget author's spy credentials, but he described H. as a "master at his craft": at no point did the USSR folk know who he was or even - where ~ he worked. He got their attention initially with free high-grade info; they acquiesced to his method of drops. On renewal efforts in '00, per a letter quoted - he considered them (KGB - at highest level) "his friends" and said he was lonely, isolated.. 'wanted to hear something - even if just, goodbye'.

{sigh} Who knows, given our recent experience - what similarities there are amongst the high-level theological True Believers - Taliban or US-grown? What's a 'country' when ya got God lettin you help with Her Master Plan\ufffd? Why.. such a one might want to be sure the mere 'country' got a Copacetic President (and especially: staff). Logical - if such a word applies to deep internal fantasy.

IMhO - Ashcroft may prove to be as large a liability as Hanssen.. depending on what occurs next. Only thing I know fershure: ain't gonna be no impeachments in Murica anytime soon - except about sex, maybe.

Like the insistent undercurrent about Pope John XXIII's untimely death (my kinda guy) - I expect our 20th century Borgias to escape as handily as did their predecessors. Not a chance that any conspiracy as existed on such a scale, could ever be 'proven'. (nor would Hanssen have been found, had he not become careless: left a finger print on a bag containing some stuff)

Expect no investigations. Even when a USSC Justice goes against his every previously stated er 'legal convictions', and fabricates a rationale which produces hoots among even the reactionary wing of legal scholars..

It's all a play, nothing more or less. Also,
nobody expects... the Spanish Inquisition!
New Or as Tom Tomorrow asks..
(Speakin of overt conspiracies you can get away with for a time)

[link|http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2001/12/17/tomo/index.html|Subversives - they're everywhere now]

Gosh, I hope I didn't scare anyone..
The link goes to a full-page animated ad for the movie "The Tenenbaums" and wrecks the "back" key so that once you're there, you cant get back here!

I really don't like that!
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Back key works for me
Follow link, click link at top of ad that says "go directly to story", read cartoon, click back key twice to get back here. Easy.
When I visit the aquarium, the same thought keeps running through my mind;
Leemmmooonnn, Buuttteerrr, MMMmmmmmm good!
New Well, and then there's...
Follow link, wait for annoying advertisement to finish fading in, wait for annoying advertisement to AUTOMATICALLY take me to the cartoon, read cartoon, click back key once to get back to annoying advertisement, click back key again to get back to...CARTOON (!?!), click back key again to get back to annoying advertisement, click on the X button of the various popup advertisements that appear whenever I get rerouted back to annoying advertisement. Hard...Very Hard.
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Do I gotta teach youse guys Everything?

I have never seen Any of the above. I click this link and go to the image-icon for the cartoon, load that image. And even with a (clearly pointed out) fucked browser like NS 4.5 (haven't installed Galleon or its sibling yet):

1) I leave images off usually - then toggle on for cause.
2) I leave jscript OFF - ditto. And rarely is Java ever ON!
3) [Your fav] filter ON (disable parts when I Want.. to see a Shockwave like the Great Day-O bin-Laden one! or Bally dancin and shoutin..)
4) Firewall - cheezy Windoze thingie like ZoneAlarm - not undefeatable but.. works for my non-browsing of idiotic kiddie hangouts. So I dunno what You are seeing.

Gosh.. is there any other way?

Ashton, teacher of Pros! in smartass mode
New Thank you, Master Po
And best holiday wishes to you!
(Resistance is not futile...)
New We are here for your safety and convenience
May all your Christmas tree lights be wired in parallel!

Me? Just another Grasshopper :-\ufffd
     Interesting commentary on the suicide factories in Palestine - (boxley) - (12)
         Arbeit Macht Frei - (Ashton) - (10)
             Do you mean Robert Philip Hanssen? - (a6l6e6x) - (9)
                 Yes. - (Ashton) - (7)
                     Or as Tom Tomorrow asks.. - (Ashton) - (6)
                         DON'T FOLLOW THAT LINK! - (jb4) - (5)
                             Back key works for me - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                 Well, and then there's... - (jb4)
                             Do I gotta teach youse guys Everything? - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 Thank you, Master Po - (jb4) - (1)
                                     We are here for your safety and convenience - (Ashton)
                 Obvious that squirrels are non-denominational - (boxley)
         Indeed. - (a6l6e6x)

Ohh... they're still working.
51 ms