My bad - while I thought it was ~30%, it seems to be more like 15. There are of course other considerations like the sulfur content and such things as 'sweet crude', about which I've heard.. but have no idea of the necessary details which make us like SA's mix. I think that's about a few $B in plant cat-crackers, scrubbers and such - should we elect to switch suppliers. The Russians might like to take up the slack; then there's that little old [oil] line just waiting to cross Afg. after the new folk calm things down.
Another recent comment re some contrasts. In Iraq, Saddam hates our guts; in Iran - ditto the Aytollah (now worrying a bit about unpopularity). The people there OTOH kinda think mp-3 kewl and Americans not such a bad lot. I heard of a demonstration in Teheran - quite spontaneous, on 9/11 - expressing sympathy for America / the victims. Authorities tried and failed to suppress.
Saudis = vice-versa: King/Government tries to walk both sides of street; the 'abis hate us (as is hardly news now). Those I know who have worked gigs in SA (I was made an offer too!) describe only slightly more genteel attitudes than the Taliban. And by now, many Muricans have become aware (for whatever attention span) of the misogynistic nature of the 'abis. My friends described almost a 'compound' existence there; yet even in that isolation - no liquor and such. So much for any rights of foreign workers 'invited' (even when discreet). Religio-police state.
Wonder what's happened with Col. McSally's suit? The way things work here - that could conceivably catalyze some actual debate about our energy profligacy / and at what cost. Or it can disappear into the truss ads.
blessed are those who expect nothing, for they -