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New Why can't I just enjoy this non-dilema?
The temp job is going great.

The people (well, except for one guy) are quite pleasant. They are impressed with my skills and attitude. I have been warned that if I am working there, I will be forced to drink fine French wine. There was such an incident yesterday. It was, indeed, fine.

Well, if I trash this one guy, I can probably have his job. And I'm going to trash him, because he's a poser and his resume is mostly, to put it charitably, vaporware. Nothing provably false, but a guy whose been using Excel for six years should know how to cut and paste columns. More importantly, I see nothing to suggest that he will be able to do the job independantly once the person holding it now is gone.

So I'll be giving an honest assesment. Somehow feels wrong, though.

By the way - I am not qualified for the job. But I learn fast, and I have been very clear and direct in explaining exactly what my qualifications are and aren't. One qualification - in a couple of weeks I will literaly have written the book on how to do the job. No experience whatsoever in logistics, though, and the job description says 4-5 years. Haven't exactly been offered the job in so many words, but the hints are there.

The opportunity for personal growth is excellent, the pay almost what I used to make.

And if I don't get or take the job, my contract is being extended so I can write procedures for other jobs and create some Crystal Reports. Which I have about 5 minutes worth of experience with, but those 5 minutes were spent debugging a macro this afternoon, and I rocked once I realized it was Pascal-based syntax := instead of C-based. The accountant asked if she could hire me, the boss said OK but I'd probably refuse or get real expensive, I didn't. So I'm OK financialy for a while either way.

"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
New Sounds good Mike. Things are picking up!
Don't be afraid to speak the truth as you see it. That's how you earn respect.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Heh.. one o' the prices one pays
(remember guilt ?) fer havin too much Fun, y'see? Now.. if ya begin thinkin that maybe it's OK and you er merit the good break(s) well then..

yer prolly almost lapsed... just one o' them heathens.


     Why can't I just enjoy this non-dilema? - (mhuber) - (2)
         Sounds good Mike. Things are picking up! - (a6l6e6x)
         Heh.. one o' the prices one pays - (Ashton)

More fun than a fart in a spacesuit.
46 ms