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New Acting the Bully
::Sigh:: I think we were all hoping it wouldn't come to this... and we still have quite a vew people who don't believe it has. I for one find it distasteful -- but "whatever works".

For some reason the Arabs and/or Islamic Fundamentalists seem to be very impressed with killing people. We Westerners aren't any more; not just wars (at which we are very, very good, especially here in the U.S.) but things like cars. Handy dandy 200KW two-tonne portable bludgeon, available at press of the Genie(R) switch -- and there's a reason us backwards folk still refer to the stuff available from PG&E, et. al., as "power".

At the end of Desert Storm we very carefully did *not* invade Baghdad, take the country over, and rule it. Western governments (and people) understood, mostly -- that's not what we wanted, and we wanted to point out that that wasn't the goal, so as to reassure others they weren't next on the list. Apparently, in the Islamic world, that got understood as "Wow, that Hussein must be really tough. The Americans didn't want to take him on." Stupid dithering in Somalia, over the Cole, etc. etc. gave the same impression -- bunch of cowards, those Americans. Never do anything about it when people hurt them.

So now we get understood as just another power-seeking regime. Pity. In fact, I don't detect any desire for Imperium, outside a few nutcases; mostly because it's well understood as a loser. Imperium doesn't pay; it costs. We don't want to own and operate your pissant country, dude. Just let us alone, all right?

The Yemenis are just responding to this. Fonzie's Observation: It's gotta be credible. Sometime in the past you have to have hurt somebody. And now we have, and watch the b*ds fall into line.

Government always has a strong attraction for the people who feel that the ability to beat the s*t out of people entitles them to run things. Now we get an even more attractive example of that. The bully always has plenty of toadies to follow him around, hold doors, round up girls, etc. etc., and the Yeminis, now that they have something they understand, are polishing up their skills. "Yas, massah..."

New Other parts of the equation
Hell, viscerally it may be about that simple (above). But we have here some inertia.. Like Mullah Omar, there are millions? of kids whose ONLY exposure to 'eduction' has been part-time war helping, tactics learning and all that exciting stuff and.. only enough literacy to read the (specially edited) Koran: big Brownie points for memorizing as much as you can of the whole enchilada.

Period. Every other facet of life is filtered through and about - learning these two skills. Nope -- not a chance of becoming a PFW/gopher in even a lawyers's 'office', or making anything saleable or edible.

Then there are the teachers: those who sell the idea of n-virgins if ya carry this bomb. So just maybe *these guys* are becoming somewhat unsure of the idea ~ what cowards these loose-moral, mall-happy socially inept Muricans 'are'. But they cannot go before the class and say: never mind, I was wrong.. and here's the straight scoop. Ego. It's everywhere.

So we gots the three biggest causes of human idiocy combined:
Pig-ignorance, absorption in the local theological fantasy + ego in the teacher + seductee.

Well Yemen ain't no Qatar (sponsor of al-Jazeera) - so who knows what things go bump in the night there. To me one of the more interesting facets is that - while some Taliban have found escape to Pashtun areas of Pakistan.. it seems that nobody wants - the &*#$% Waha'abi scum what started all this fol der rol! (So they aren't all terminally stupid..)

All the rilly Bad guys seem to hail from our fav place to gas-up our UAVS: imagine that! What a surprise.. think it'll hurt sales of 7000# toy trucks any time soon?

Movie at 11,

New Nobee wan Waha'abi
>All the rilly Bad guys seem to hail from our fav place to gas-up our UAVS: imagine that! What a surprise.. think it'll hurt sales of 7000# toy trucks any time soon?

Nope. Astonishing, y'know. Common perception... but not all that much of our oil comes from there. Mebbe a fifth, IIRC. Japan and Europe, now... which will probably be a factor in the calculations. We can probably replace SA with a bit more pumping from Venezuela + not being quite so "careful" up North + perhaps a modicum of saving (increased prices naturally resulting from the above, not necessarily a Horrid Thing(tm))

OTOH keep an eye on the Europeans. If the French have been especially nasty to W lately... On To Riyadh[SM] Must try to avoid sinking Tokyo too much farther, though. A balancing act, as usual.
New Good point on the %.
My bad - while I thought it was ~30%, it seems to be more like 15. There are of course other considerations like the sulfur content and such things as 'sweet crude', about which I've heard.. but have no idea of the necessary details which make us like SA's mix. I think that's about a few $B in plant cat-crackers, scrubbers and such - should we elect to switch suppliers. The Russians might like to take up the slack; then there's that little old [oil] line just waiting to cross Afg. after the new folk calm things down.

Another recent comment re some contrasts. In Iraq, Saddam hates our guts; in Iran - ditto the Aytollah (now worrying a bit about unpopularity). The people there OTOH kinda think mp-3 kewl and Americans not such a bad lot. I heard of a demonstration in Teheran - quite spontaneous, on 9/11 - expressing sympathy for America / the victims. Authorities tried and failed to suppress.

Saudis = vice-versa: King/Government tries to walk both sides of street; the 'abis hate us (as is hardly news now). Those I know who have worked gigs in SA (I was made an offer too!) describe only slightly more genteel attitudes than the Taliban. And by now, many Muricans have become aware (for whatever attention span) of the misogynistic nature of the 'abis. My friends described almost a 'compound' existence there; yet even in that isolation - no liquor and such. So much for any rights of foreign workers 'invited' (even when discreet). Religio-police state.

Wonder what's happened with Col. McSally's suit? The way things work here - that could conceivably catalyze some actual debate about our energy profligacy / and at what cost. Or it can disappear into the truss ads.

blessed are those who expect nothing, for they -
New Bottom Line (don'tcha just luvvit, chickaboom)
is that Saudi Arabia can be replaced, if necessary. As you say, a few $Bn in refinery refitting, all in a weekend's work in the little polities around Houston. Most of that cash would wind up in the hands of the people who get to move pipes around, not entirely a Bad Thing; some of it would come nearby to me (I don't mind, tho it's likely to jack my rent a bit).

As for the Iranians -- my Dad summarized it thus, when Ruholla Khomenei was the Media Favorite(TM): the U.S. Government primarily screwed up when they installed the Shah, by not giving the clerics any power in the resulting government. They found that intolerable, and started finding ways to reverse the policy. Viola.

Somebody here posted the addy of the [link|http://www.irna.com/|Islamic Republic News Agency] site a while ago. I've been visiting it occasionally, and have gone so far as to include it in my favorites links -- reminds me a lot of my Stalinist East German friends from the early Eighties: still observing the forms ("Imperialists", "Great Satan") but easy enough to see that their hearts aren't in it.

No. The primary role Saudi Arabia has had in the last few years is and has been as a spoiler. Even though they don't get their primary revenue from the United States, their policy is that alternate energy sources are bad for them; when anything starts looking credible, they start dropping the price, with the intent of making oil just cheap enough that the alternate doesn't make sense. Same with "conservation"; why conserve if you can afford not to? Note Pournelle's observation that there's nothing inherently virtuous about conservation per se; you have to be conserving for some purpose for it to make any sense, else you might as well don a hair shirt and move to the desert.

One of the bits of fallout from all this current mess is that Saudi Arabia may not have *quite* such a nice rep in future. I have a friend who's there at the moment (actually, at this instant he's in Poland for Christmas vacation, but you know what I mean) and he finds it quite tolerable. Of course he's something of an ascetic anyway; as he describes it, I'd be nuts in a week.
New Hmmm I guess that is the SA game alright.
Now that you point it out so starkly. Years ago I had several long phone conversations with a Sheik (no name recall now, but original topic prompting first call was something esoteric. Then I did some data mining.) Oh - his English was at least as good as mine and he was prolly smarter.

Since then and via some other 1st person gossip - I'd never underestimate the chief honchos bein quite well versed in one-upping our standard bizness droids, while playin dumb. Natch.

Hmm another impetus to ditch this NS 4.5 for one of the Gecko persuasion. With jscript (or even this ancient java machine) ON, I gets blank page at that interesting sounding site:

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<TITLE>Islamic Republic News Agency ( I R N A )</TITLE>
<script language="JavaScript">

function NoError ()
return (true);
onError = NoError;
var isMinNS4=0;
var isMinIE4=0;
var isMinIE5=0;
var isMinIE6=0;
function _init() {}



Tried it once with the WW filters off - no dice.
Looks like it's got the full-M$ blinkers on. Will try it after I play browser games. But not any form of IE - this be W98-lite and IE's gutted to bare-bones. Feel cleaner. Anyway, bookmarked.

As to Saudis near-future.. wonder what fun & games if the King gets nuked? At >$5/gallon (what we ought to be paying anyway?) - my neighbor has horses; bike can get 60 mpg if dawdled. Final datum (I haven't checked lately) - Sigma All Known Oil reserves. Last time vs est. annual usage IIRC: we had 23 years left. That's a bit short of aleph-null, no?

We like opening boxes, right? Now that Pandora - she really liked! surprises.

waitin to be amused more
New Meeting the eye
>I'd never underestimate the chief honchos bein quite well versed in one-upping our standard bizness droids, while playin dumb. Natch.

::bitter chuckle:: That's a safe bet. Yer typical biznessdroid is outsmarted by rabbits, fleas, and (especially) cockroaches.

As for the web site, try [link|http://www.irna.com/index_old.shtml|http://www.irna.com/index_old.shtml] -- a *gasp* *shudder* mostly-HTML version of the above, without the flash. One rather suspects that not all the people IRNA tries to reach have all the latest goodies.

>Last time vs est. annual usage IIRC: we had 23 years left. That's a bit short of aleph-null, no?

Well, considering that we've had roughly 25 years of oil left since about 1950... of course, the entire planet can't be made of the stuff, and even if it was, that is a finite supply. And, overall, if we're gonna use the stuff up, might as well use up other people's first. If whether or not to buy a Ford Excessive was the only question, not much objection here to $5 gas; I can figure ways to get by, maybe even run the '74 Ford pickup with 390CID on alternate weekends. But at the moment, that's a trivial byproduct. Inexpensive oil lets us keep lots of games going -- fresh vegetables in Michigan winter comes to mind.

It occasionally burns me to see trivialities blown out of proportion when it isn't me doing it ;-) Our economy is founded on cheap power [word chosen -- I hate the mealymouthism "energy"] and as it stands, oil is where it's at. 7000-lb "SUVs" are the economic equivalent of friction in that scenario -- try to minimize where possible, but you ain't gettin' rid of it. In just the same way, the right wing was able to successfully demonize assistance to poor people by waving "welfare Cadillacs" and similar in everyone's face. Don't fall for the same tactic; better yet, don't promote it.
     Yemenis get anti-terrorist religion big !!! - (dmarker2) - (7)
         Acting the Bully - (Ric Locke) - (6)
             Other parts of the equation - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Nobee wan Waha'abi - (Ric Locke) - (4)
                     Good point on the %. - (Ashton) - (3)
                         Bottom Line (don'tcha just luvvit, chickaboom) - (Ric Locke) - (2)
                             Hmmm I guess that is the SA game alright. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 Meeting the eye - (Ric Locke)

Houston, we have a problem.
167 ms