Post #218,074
8/8/05 8:42:13 AM
So to further BeeP's argument
We should also teach in our science classes that the earth is the Center of the Universe, and the Sun (or is it spelled Son?) revolves around the Earth? And that the Earth is flat? After all, these are also "scientific theories" that still hold weight today with the same fundie whackjobsscientific practitioners that support Intelligent Design.
Lemme hearyou say, "Feh!"
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #218,102
8/8/05 11:22:08 AM
We should also teach in our science classes that the earth is the Center of the Universe, and the Sun (or is it spelled Son?) revolves around the Earth? And that the Earth is flat? Sure, teach them as cautionary tales. Teach them what happened to Galileo...that he died a broken man because he was forced to renounce the Truth; that you might get an apology 359 years later from an enlightened authority figure, but at least your name will be vindicated by an establishment for whom you long ago lost respect. [link||http://en.wikipedia....i/Galileo_Galilei] This is not only an exercise in information. This is an exercise in character-building. It is about standing up for your rights, your belief in the truth. Dead-on, solid proof. Following the scientific method, gathering data to prove a hypothesis. Our kids are smart...incredibly smart. And yet, they seem to be sheltered much more than we were as kids. They need more life skills. It's time to take the training wheels off and allow them to get skinned knees and elbows. Sure, it will hurt, but they will be fine. Just like we were. If you all remember, we had our own little tempests in teapots. We dealt with racial stereotypes, gender stereotypes, more defined socio-economic classifications and intense sexual and emotional repression. Quite frankly, the most important ingredient in all this is the family. If the parents are asleep at the wheel, then naturally, there will be no one to correct any misinformation being spewed at the font of the public school. If the parents agree with the cup-full of knowledge that their children are bringing home, they will send them back for more. If not, then the parents will essentially toss it out, and fill it up at home and/or do what they can to "change the mix" at the pump and move on. It's all our hands. Peace, Amy
Illegitimi non corborundum.
Post #218,112
8/8/05 12:53:52 PM
a defense of what I knew was a silly premise when I started it.
But exactly why I did start it.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #218,115
8/8/05 1:39:51 PM
And when the parents are NOT asleep at the wheel...
...butr are the very source of that misinformation?
After all, I don't see many kids clamoring at the Bored of Education for a four-year course in ID, do you?
(Asleep at the Wheel...Good '70s country swing band, BTW....)
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #218,207
8/8/05 5:41:20 PM
OT: Yes, Asleep at the Wheel is awesome
Illegitimi non corborundum.
Post #218,180
8/8/05 4:30:07 PM
Prec\ufffdsamente! - one Must teach 'lying'! in order to teach
the so more-difficult..not-lying. (Well, not-lying.. at least by intent, whether or not actualized ;-) Which is the message [again!] of The Tyranny of Words [Stuart Chase] and that entire new field - muddled by prolix Korzybski and explained brilliantly, to-an-8 yo, by Chase: 'semantics' yada. Quite frankly, the most important ingredient in all this is the family. If the parents are asleep at the wheel, then naturally, there will be no one to correct any misinformation being spewed at the font of the public school.
If the parents agree with the cup-full of knowledge that their children are bringing home, they will send them back for more. If not, then the parents will essentially toss it out, and fill it up at home and/or do what they can to "change the mix" at the pump and move on. Scary, that, for being unarguable and inescapably depressing. Vulture Capitalism does not recognize any 'needs of society', but only the Econ numbers re maximizing of profits-for- a very small-some: at any cost to all. And as the %[Gross-National-'wealth'] concentrates daily into fewer pockets / which hold this view en-bloc: one can see the denying-force for any Murican renewal(?) Short of blood in streets, of course - the usual path of last resort. Where there is no space left for ALLOWED family contact/interaction, while one/both parents are incarcerated in small cubicles for 8+ hours straight, and little energy remains at night, after the commute -asleep at the wheel may be no figure-of-speech- - for instigating actual Conversation, discussion-even-debate! - amidst the plethora of transistorized escapes now universal - what do you get? How Does? one get outta this Chicken Outfit. One asks. The Rat Race idea is so pass\ufffd, when the hamster cage has now become, literally -The Cubicle- no? [Saw this great cartoon: with a hamster-bottle, human-size - in a cubicle. QED] Now as to what 10/7 fluorescent lighting in lieu of honest Sunlight, does? to one's pineal gland/psyche.. another discussion. Ain't that a pisser? 'Freedom' - [Hah] Let's kill some more to Spread it all over. (Praise little-Jesus and his pal, Dick! in that Crusade.) moi
Post #218,220
8/8/05 6:13:36 PM
8/8/05 10:35:36 PM
Surprisingly, I would think communication is improving
Because of cellphones and instant messaging and email, (and this is purely experiential) I think there are more ways for kids to communicate with their parents, albeit impersonally. However, there is a certain safeness to these modes of communication because: 1)there is no interruption of the thought process(at lease with im and email and text messages) and 2)the user has control over when the message begins and ends and the distance involved creates a buffer zone.
So, with technology has come new means of communicating, even though the price of technology and the standard of living mandates a two-income household and latch-key kids.
At least with PalmPilots,Blackberries, etc, there is a means to stay in contact and keep current on the events of the day, week, month, year. One can keep track of important events such as when is Susie's piano recital? When does Ahmed perform in the Talent Show? When is Meet the Teacher night?
Now, skipping over to concern of ID being in the classroom, there will be an uproar from teachers and concerned parents who KNOW that this is complete and total male bovine excrement. Witness the following linkage: [link||]
I truly believe that there will somehow be enough noise made by the intelligencia and this issue will get reduced to the compost of "Bad ideas".
Till then, I keep chanting the Mantra,"They can't re-elect him! They can't re-elect him!"
Peace, Amy
Illegitimi non corborundum.
Edited by imqwerky
Aug. 8, 2005, 10:35:36 PM EDT
Post #218,295
8/8/05 10:42:42 PM
In the immortal words of Studs Terkel
a few years back, heard on car radio - his quip, after a brilliant essay was ~
Oh yes, 'communications' (are) everywhere. But communication?
That may not stand-alone sans voice inflections, but I think he made the case for there being a plethora of gadgets that have that name on them, but which do not foster other than the most superficial kinds of [??] fact-exchange? and often just - time-filling - as all those kids sending text messages with Nothing in them except, Yo! Got yer Yo! Yo! back. And far from.. just the younger 'kids'.
But I do hope yours is the better perception, because if it's not, or not in-time = before the nukes start making brownish/purplish flowers grow.. no more time to grow up after that. (After the first few, IMO it will most likely descend to the Rand Corp's apt description, from the birth of that first? Think Tank in the '50s: spasm war.) I remember Edward Teller, LeMay et al and their Spirit Lives in Kissy and the other stone-cold-faced neoconmen and, in little-Jesus: in Spades. Zealots all.
I'm periodically lobbying the Bulletin (of the Atomic Scientists) to move that clock a lot closer than 7-of-Midnight, as it remains on my last issue. Not that anyone much reads that, except those who already Get It about those 40K or more individual funeral pyres and the minutes-away launch of Too-many, which the US or Russia might opt-for any time.
We have to recall often now: both these Nuke Supers are now under Authoritarian near-One-'man' governance and the Codes-Bagman assuredly Is.. Some movers/shakers Do notice that symbol, en passant.. it's Logo-World/Slogan-World for most -- ergo I focus just now on That simple but Pithy one.
For all our sakes, I certainly hope that the \ufffd-cel conversations which I overhear -- are not the sort which your kids immerse in. There's no question what is possible with all this techno, but we have a rather poor record of using any of them for more than mindless time-killing. Of course a real SHOCK could alter all of that. But.. Can anything less?
candles lit.
Post #218,307
8/8/05 11:13:07 PM
It has been my experience
and I realize that, perhaps, because I'm a qwerky being, I am not the norm, but, communication (sans "s") with my own children is quite good. A straw poll of my small corner of the universe indicates that kids are using the available technologies to communicate with their parents as well. Now, I know that I may be presumptuous to extrapolate that to the nation at large, but if it is happening here, can I not believe that it is happening somewhere else? There will always be that sector of the population that will continue to lack what we consider a decent relationship with their parental unit(s), whether it is due to substance abuse, economic distress, gang involvement or any other detrimental influence. For that, I grieve. For that, I wish to continue my education and do something about it. "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I want to get my master's in Psychology (and maybe even go for the Ph.D.) and become a counselor for a junior high somewhere. I love those kids. I have a knack for relating to them. I had a ball driving carpool for my son for the two years he was attending jr. high. The things I heard (I listened...something that parents rarely do) made me realize the hurdles that that age group faces. Kids these days have an incredible spirit though I have seen how delicate it can be. If I can help these wonderful individuals to flourish, we will have some mighty fine adults to lead us into the future. Peace, Amy
Illegitimi non corborundum.
Post #218,103
8/8/05 11:31:04 AM
Bring back alchemy
If it was good enuf for Sir Isaac, then it's good enough for me.
Post #218,181
8/8/05 4:40:27 PM
{chortle}___triple entendre?
Dare I ass-ume? that - you are aware that the 'Alchemists' operated under the guise of ~ er, "doing-chemistry" (didn't know about nuclei n'stuff) and floated that transmutation-into-Gold thingie as simple cover..
What they were doing / trying to 'do' - was metaphysical enquiry, without being burned, mutilated or otherwise tiresomely distracted by The Robed Ones - our Puritan forebears.
So your comment has more than one fork here, y'know? (There sure is a lot of room for further 'metaphysical analysis', as the nukes start rattling in their DU-tamped boxes.)
Love. It.
Post #218,313
8/9/05 12:47:37 AM
Re: {chortle}___triple entendre?
Indeed - the thing the Alchemists were trying to do is illuminated by the fact that one of the metals they used to try to turn into gold was - gold.
They were looking for "true gold" of which the yellow shiny stuff is a mere shadow. The Philospher's Stone (which recently had to be translated as "Sorceror's Stone" for American kids).
It was (for a lot of them anyway) a mystical thing. Far closer to individualistic shamanism than to science. It was odd religion, not bad science.
But even they would have laughed at the ID nonsense. They knew better from both the science and the theology direction.
---- Honorary member of the reality based community
Post #218,317
8/9/05 1:06:54 AM
Howdy Mike, how's life? (new thread)
Created as new thread #218316 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=218316|Howdy Mike, how's life?]
-- Steve
Post #218,319
8/9/05 1:15:13 AM
OT: Nice to know Mike Huber lives!
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell
Post #218,327
8/9/05 3:32:05 AM
Thou sayest..
I've saved [framed] for many years a crude (magazine clip-out?) titled, "The Astronomer" - though it is an archetypal sketch of a Wizerd nee Alchemist, bearded, poring over a massive tome / background of comets, galaxies and the like -- lacking only the Conical cap. Apropos that it is also now faded, as would be any original.
Have always respected that branch, seeing them as a small, dedicated force against the vox populi ignoramus / the Great Darkness of then-burgeoning corporate theology - which plagues the species, still. They may have been (I can have no opinion on that) the closest? the 'West' ever came to an awareness of metaphysical possibilities, via an actual work-ethic -- of the sort which might have led the brightest to earnestly study the writings of the Sages of that quite older 'East'. No doubt with the usual sprinkling of charlatans (no, not Heston).
As the makings of a fakir-guru demand Attention over decades, so have we devolved to the short-attention span, that which we love to guffaw about.
Some of the rich probably have treasure troves of many of these works as look fine on a library wall / lab-notebooks which are apt never to be copied, let alone translated - they will pass from collector to collector (maybe as a couple of my pristine Tek scopes will - for their Art?). Better than cutting out squares inside to hide Rolexes, I guess.
Ah well, Easy come /