For as long as I can remember, I have despised bullies. The trouble is, the United States is the biggest bully in the world. Whatever the justification is for our current so-called "war", one message that is abundantly clear to everyone is: "Don't jack with us. You have to accept any amount of unjust treatment that we care to dish out because we are the baddest mother-fsckers in the valley."
To be sure, for many decades we have possessed the world's most efficient killing machine. That power, it seems, grants us the right to be as unjust as we care to be without ever having to answer for it or explain it. This is not a popular notion in America today - how many times have you heard, "I don't care why they don't like us! They're going to pay!" or even that it's "un-patriotic to question the policies that brought so many to think so little of us"?
Several hundred thousand, that's HUNDRED THOUSAND, children die in Iraq and yet we are not terrorists. We support Israel without question while it commits terror equal to that experienced here, but we do not support terrorism. In Central America, we fund and arm death squads, yet we maintain complete innocense when it comes to terrorism. I could go on, but why should I? We don't have to answer to anyone for that because if any one complains, we will bomb them a thousand times until they are left shell-shocked and their property is in complete ruin.
For these reasons, I have a really hard time feeling "good" about our victories.