A small essay on the options of spending $50M for one's 'house'; and what a little imagination might have produced -
[link|http://www.lovolution.net/gatesarco.htm|Of all sad words of tongue or pen; the saddest are these:
it might have been..]
[link|http://microsoft.aynrand.org/hate.html|Ayn Rand School of Social Darwinism chimes in on er limitless greed is AOK.]
Since, per Ashleigh Brilliant,
In the final analysis <> Everything is related <> To everything else -
[maybe this belongs in metaphysics]
How might the successor society to this one - arrange to limit personal 'wealth' to ~ just One billion 'dollars' (or whatever the successor specie is called)? Via exponential taxation with a sharp inflection point? Corollary (the usual argument for allowing personal Empire at all):
Has homo-sap reached a stage of evolution whereby s/he can accept that there is no natural law which dictates that personal Empires ought to be passed-on to callow offspring? ie each generation must claw way to excess: solely via individual Rand-iness - thus limiting 'excess behavior' to the already obsessed.
ie. Have we had nearly enough yet?
Ashton Where do you wanna go today? Ltd.
Extraterrestrial Help for a Troubled Species,
frozen like a deer in the headlights..