I call her skank as she fits the (defined at least as I know it) term. Nixon was a crook, Reagan was simplistic but at least he had an agenda he wanted to achieve. Carter did what he could but didnt achieve much. Bush one was a disaster, dont let spymasters hold high office. Instead of leading they manipulate badly. This brings us to Bill. The man who would be President and didnt mind turning into republican lite to get there. He fufilled Newt Gingrich's contract with america and was reasonably decent on domestic political issues. He was fucking clueless on foreign affairs and blithly blew up almost all of our smart munitions (bush 43 wasted the rest) I thought he should have stepped down after being caught purjoring himself and was extremely pissed that he caused the executive branch to be weakened by going to the USSC over a blowjob.Skank however is another kettle of fish. If you look at the whitehouse trsavel office scandle, Whitewater and all the shit stuff it was her pulling the strings, Bill was along for the ride.
Skank, someone who will fuck you knowing she has the clap, empty your wallet trash your house, steal your car and wreak it. Empty your bank account and declare its your fault while giving you a dumb look "whaa, wha I do?"
I didnt vote for bush 1 or 2, held my nose for Kerry last time but if she shows up[ on the ticket I will be voting to ensure she doesnt get the POTUS title which will mean 4 more years of repos.