Post #215,488
7/18/05 9:43:40 PM
On not supporting HRC for president
1. She does not particularly appeal to me personally (not that someone-you'd-like-to-have-a-beer-with should be decisive or even conspicuous in forming judgments in these matters), and the bankruptcy bill vote is a very, very black mark against her.
2. Since large segments of the population are being subtly encouraged to accept the notion that the presidency should be considered a trophy to be passed among various branches of the Bush family (you don't think Jeb will toss his helmet in the ring for 08? Just wait), the opposition would do well to avoid a candidate who could be tarred with the dynastic b(r)ush, immunizing Jeb.
3. Other large segments of the population will have been conditioned by then for sixteen years to hate and fear the candidate. If you doubt me, consider our own beloved boxter, who has been known to be sensible occasionally but who on this subject is so stupid that if he and a sandbox full of catshit were to come before me for a doctorate in political science, I'd unhesitatingly award the laurels to the kitty turds. Now multiply box by sixty million, and stir violently.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #215,492
7/18/05 10:25:43 PM
ICLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #215491 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=215491|ICLRPD]
Post #215,502
7/19/05 1:10:22 AM
Precisam\ufffdnte boyo..
Boxter is merely more articulate, experienced - especially in the areas he loves .. clandestine messing about with various catalogued group-grudges - to accomplish some Other secrut clan's grudge-fantasy: that of whichever clan into whose ring he's tossed his personal pair o'brass knucks.
Not yer average fleece-bearing consumer, our Box - even if Hillary has him pussy-whipped into impecunious illegibility.
No.. and Sadly.. it's just as you say: the little and no-longer-little tykes have been getting the same individually-warped servings of raw sewage as used to be reserved for Adlai or that Uppity-Nigger\ufffd-MLK,
or them commie-pinko anti-Nam-war freaks [them thar Hippies in Boxlish, IIRC] for quite long enough to spawn legions of minimarlowes.
Unhappily, I must concur re any conceivable chance for H. This amount of impure-shit, imploded, and via Uranium tamper enhancement - cannot be laved away by any amount of lip flapping about Truth, Honor and the Murican Way.
She is Toast - as veritably as it be True that, as we speak, many Muricans believe yet - we shoulda nuked them slopes right back to the Stone Age. -- General BullRightCurtiss le May, -- Redblooded Murican Take-Charge-Hero
Oh well. Nobody ever said that rapid-decline would be a fun Reality-trip down the slopes. Expecting quite little in any next..
Now, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. -- General Buck Turgidson, as 'Real' as the others.
Post #215,548
7/19/05 9:58:23 AM
If she is so good why is every republican in the nation
is backing her to run for the presidency? Maybe cat turds have more dicernment in the political arena than myself, but unlike you I dont eat them and declare them nutritious and tasty. thanx bill
Just call me Mr. Lynch \\
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #215,553
7/19/05 10:30:23 AM
sure you do--you call the treat "WorldNetDaily"
Post #215,562
7/19/05 10:56:35 AM
I know that sometimes there is nuggets under those rocks
I dont limit my reading material to political news rags sanctioned by my group. I dont have a group. My daily reading includes Xinhua, South China Post, Russian english dailies, Islamic News wire, Drudge, Haaretz, google news canadian India and New Zealand editions and world net daily.Occationally will read the italian, french and spanish news blogs although not fluently. I assume sir you read Salon then turn on NPR and consider yourself topped up on everything you need to know while congratulating yourself on your political acumen. your turn :-) thanx, bill
Just call me Mr. Lynch \\
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #215,567
7/19/05 11:15:47 AM
That is the most politely I have ever seen someone say, "Fuck off and shove your condescending attitude up your ass." And with grammar, too!
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #215,631
7/19/05 3:06:04 PM
(it was ghost-written...)
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT